Partner with us.

Donating to SevenGen is your opportunity to invest in and inspire future Indigenous leaders and changemakers. You can help lead efforts in Indigenizing the energy transition to ensure that all people, even those seven generations ahead, are protected.


Sponsorship Tiers

  • Your contributions can help up to 2 youth attend the summit.

    • Logo placement

    • Pre-summit and on-site branding

  • Your contributions can help up to 5 youth attend the summit.

    • 2 complementary summit tickets for staff

    • Logo placement

    • Pre-summit and on-site branding

  • Your contributions can help up to 10 youth attend the summit.

    • 3 complementary summit tickets for staff

    • Logo placement

    • Pre-summit and on-site branding

    • Promotional booth and signage

    • Contribute to post-event survey

    • Your organization featured in delegate newsletter

  • Your contributions can help up to 20 youth attend the summit.

    • 5 complementary summit tickets for staff

    • Premium logo placement

    • Pre-summit and on-site branding

    • Promotional booth and signage

    • Contribute to post-event survey

    • Your organization featured in delegate newsletter

    • Exclusive sponsor mentions in program

  • Your contributions can help up to 50 youth attend the summit.

    • 5 complementary summit tickets for staff

    • Premium logo placement

    • Pre-summit and on-site branding

    • Promotional booth and signage

    • Your organization featured in delegate newsletter

    • Exclusive participation in workshops


Our Partners


Diamond Partners


Platinum Partners


Silver Partners



Indigenous Clean Energy Logo.jpg

SevenGen 2.0 Partnership Principles

Establishing transparency and accountability with SevenGen and partners

SevenGen is a one-of-a-kind summit that uplifts, inspires, and empowers Indigenous youth from across Canada to pursue their own contributions in leading meaningful and equitable climate action. This forum is also a unique opportunity for organizations nationwide to discuss and collaborate with Indigenous youth in shaping a future of mutual benefit. As such, the generosity of our current and prospective partners cannot go unnoticed and the SevenGen team shall honour these relationships with utmost respect and reciprocity. 

Firstly, the SevenGen Council is fully aware of the current context of climate action, and inaction, especially related to current and historical, government and industrial development on and near the territories of Indigenous peoples. Namely, organizations involved in the petroleum and mining industries (pipelines, oil and gas, precious metals) as well as federal and provincial governments and related agencies. There is no question that these adversities continue to this day for all Indigenous nations and the journey towards reconciliation and empowerment remains to be a challenging one. Secondly, the SevenGen Council is also aware of the strong interest from some organizations in the aforementioned sectors and their willingness to partner with the summit. Finally, the SevenGen team is aware that hosting such a summit to cover expenses like event planning, venue, transportation, programming, and promotions, just to name a few, is not free. Recognizing that most Indigenous youth do not have the privilege of traveling across the country to attend this summit (airfare, hotel, food), it is imperative to ensure that there are little to no financial barriers to attend as the full breadth of Indigenous youth perspectives are needed to build a future that is truly representative, inclusive, and equitable. 

This places our council in a position where the summit must hold Indigenous youth voices at the center, while ensuring that the necessary supports are in place to facilitate successful implementation. Therefore, the SevenGen Council has outlined key principles to guide our relationships with partners to ensure the perspectives of the youth are never compromised while also given a platform for partners to still engage. 

SevenGen is an initiative that is supported by Student Energy, an established charitable organization that actively manages and seeks partnerships across the spectrum of energy. As such, to ensure boundaries are not crossed, a Partnership document is understood and agreed upon by all partners. Some clauses include that partners may not choose or limit the programming or content involved in a summit, must delegate method of brand exposure to the SevenGen Council, and must directly involve youth. 

In many cases, partners interested in engaging with the summit are willing to invest into and listen to Indigenous youth given adherence to the Partnership principles. As such, the SevenGen Council is keen on establishing a safe space for Indigenous youth to engage in dialogue, receive feedback, and even challenge our partners in an effort to reach a place of mutually beneficial partnerships in the spirit of reconciliation, coexistence, and empowerment. The hope is that since Indigenous youth are the next generation of decision makers, the foundation for meaningful relationships can be built/re-built to reach a sustainable and equitable energy future. 

Our commitment to you on behalf of the SevenGen Council is that we shall hold the interest of our Indigenous Nations first and never compromise on the power of the voice of Indigenous youth. We are active in our engagement with partners to ensure the boundaries are adhered to, as well as taking assertive steps in screening prospective partners should values and goals be misaligned. 

As the SevenGen Council, we are also committed to being accountable. That is why you may reach us personally at the contact information below, should you have any comments, concerns, or inquiries regarding our partnerships, programming, or operations. 

For too many generations, the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people have been unbalanced and one-sided. Just like the story of Gusweñta (Two Row Wampum Belt), Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples shall travel in boats along parallel streams, respecting each other's distinct identity, while travelling together towards a brighter future. The vision is that one day, Seven Generations ahead, our children will live in peace and prosperity, co-existing in a mutually beneficial and empowering way. And that is the Power of Kinship. 


Mihskakwan James Harper, EIT

Vice-chair, Sponsorship